Baldassarre Bambinaro
Informazioni di Base
- Patronymic
- Giovanni
- Other names
- Baldassarre di Santa Maria del Gallo
- Genre
- Male
- Place of origin
- Venice, Republic of Venice
- Date of birth
- Data attribuita di nascita:
- No
- Age at the execution time
- Marital status
- Unknown
- Last occupation / Qualification
- Doll maker
- Previous occupations
- Religious status
- Layperson
- Religious order
- Accusations
- Start date
- 1543
- End date
- 15/01/1567
- Courts involved
- Inquisition of Bologna, Inquisition of Ferrara
- Extradition
- No
- Other judges involved
- Girolamo Menghini, auditore of Tribunale Criminale del Torrone
- Note
The start date refers to the first inquisition trial (Ferrara)
- Court
- Inquisition of Bologna
- Local judge
- Antonio Balducci
- Sentence date
- 15/01/1567
- Sentence place
- Papal States - Bologna - San Domenico
- Crime category
- Formal heresy
- Lista dei Crimini:
It rejected the authority of the Pope and the veneration of saints, the efficacy of suffrages for the dead, the value of the Mass, confession to a priest, monastic vows and chastity, pilgrimages, and the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist, which it regarded as possessing merely symbolic significance. Furthermore, it denied free will and advocated for adult baptism.
He participates in the Eucharist more luteranorum et hereticorum (in the manner of Lutherans and heretics).
- Reason for conviction
- Relapso
- Accessory penalties
- Execution date
- 19/01/1567
- Authority
- Tribunale Criminale del Torrone
- Execution place
- Execution type
- Hanged and Burned
- In effigy
- No
- After death
- No
- Presence of doctors / surgeons
- Name of the doctors / surgeons:
- Presence of comforters
- Name of the comforters
- Presence of rebels / riots
- Sacraments imparted
- Note for execution
- Decrees and acdf sources
Vatican City, ACDF, Sant’Officio, Stanza Storica, EE 1-a.
- Other magistracies
Bologna, Archivio di Stato, Tribunale del Torrone, Atti processuali, reg. 395, anno 1567, c. 57-61;
Bologna, Archivio di Stato, Tribunale del Torrone, Atti processuali, reg. 393, cc. 57v-59v.