Stefano Bubone
Informazioni di Base
- Patronymic
- Other names
- Genre
- Male
- Place of origin
- Sanremo, Republic of Genoa
- Date of birth
- Data attribuita di nascita:
- No
- Age at the execution time
- Marital status
- Unknown
- Last occupation / Qualification
- Previous occupations
- Religious status
- Layperson
- Religious order
- Accusations
- Denial of the existence of canonical fasting days
- Start date
- 2 November 1625
- End date
- 14 January 1627
- Courts involved
- Congregation of the Holy Office, Inquisition of Genoa
- Extradition
- No
- Other judges involved
- Note
Start date: dispatch of the process from the Inquisition of Genoa to the Congregation of the Holy Office
End date: sentence
- Court
- Congregation of the Holy Office
- Local judge
- Eliseo Masini
- Sentence date
- 14 January 1627
- Sentence place
- Republic of Genoa - Genoa -
- Crime category
- Formal heresy
- Lista dei Crimini:
- Reason for conviction
- Relapso
- Accessory penalties
- Confiscation of assets
- Execution date
- Before 21 January 1627
- Authority
- Republic of Genoa
- Execution place
- Execution type
- In effigy
- No
- After death
- No
- Presence of doctors / surgeons
- Unknown
- Name of the doctors / surgeons:
- Presence of comforters
- Unknown
- Name of the comforters
- Presence of rebels / riots
- Unknown
- Sacraments imparted
- Unknown
- Note for execution
- Local inquisitorial trials and documents
Genova, Archivio di Stato, Archivio Segreto, 1099, nn. 76, 121
- Decrees and acdf sources
ADDF, S.O., Decreta Sancti Officii, 1625, c. 184rv
ADDF, S.O., Decreta Sancti Officii, 1627, c. 12v